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May 2024 Meeting at Sensoji


Date: May 20th

Venue: Sensoji temple

Despite the patchy rainy morning, TWC members spent a tremendously memorable day on May 20th. By the grace of Mr. Shojun Shimizutani, the chief priest of Sensoji Zenryuin Temple, we had the privilege of receiving an exclusive tour of Sensoji.

The tour took us to areas not open to the public, such as the "National Designated Scenic Spot, Demboin Garden," the only nationally-designated scenic temple garden in Tokyo created in the early Edo period, and the Treasure House (commonly known as Ema-do), which houses a large, powerful ema (votive picture tablet), a valuable cultural asset from the Edo to Meiji periods.

At the end of the tour, we were ushered to the bottom of the five-story pagoda where we embraced an exceptional experience of gazing up at the pagoda from directly below.

After the tour, we enjoyed a delicious lunch at Chinya, a traditional sukiyaki restaurant, and had a pleasant time socializing with each other.




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