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June 2024 Meeting at Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel

Quartet concert and donation ceremony

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

The Tokyo Women's Club concluded its final meeting of the year at the elegant Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel. Distinguished guests included , H. E. Ms. Shorna-Kay RICHARDS, Ambassadors of Jamaica and H.E. Ms. Sandy Anabell DAVILA Sandoval,  Ambassador of Nicaragua, alongside the spouseof the Ambassador of Myanmar. Making history in its 116-year legacy, President Valerie Moschetti addressed the gathering from Brussels via an online connection for the first time.

During the event, the TWC extended their support to humanitarian causes with donations presented to Ms. Madoka Otsuka of UNICEF and Ms. Tsumura of WFP. Their inspiring words underscored the profound impact of charitable contributions.

The event continued with the announcement of the new board members for 2024-2025, followed by a mesmerizing quartet concert featuring Mr. Katsushige Sato on piano, Ms. Shirabe Aoki on violin, Ms. Reika Inoue on viola and Mr. Miyasaka Hiroshi on Cello. The repertoire ranged from baroque and Chopin classics to exquisite Japanese solo pieces, delighting the audience with every note.

The festivities culminated in a delightful meal where members and guests savored each moment in convivial company.




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