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About The Tokyo Women’s Club

Known as the Tokyo Ladies’ Debating Society, our club was founded in 1908 under the direction of British scientist Dr. Marie Stopes. In 1913, it took on the name the Tokyo Women’s Club (TWC) and later gained affiliation with the General Federation

of Women’s Clubs in 1914.The overriding purpose of the TWC is four-fold.

(1) The TWC members are dedicated to advancement of charity activities that              provide funds for the donations made to nations and organizations in need of       support and immediate help.

(2) The TWC promotes cultural interaction among various Embassies in Tokyo by     utilizing the TWC's vast informal, as well as professional, networks.

 3) The TWC members are also committed to giving its senior members a plenty of   opportunities to meet old friends and participate in an international environment.(4) The TWC Concept encourages a commitment to assisting new residents of     Tokyo in establishing personal and professional relationships.

The Tokyo Women's Club has made a social contribution through donation to charities.

Special Thanks for offering their beautiful banquet rooms for the TWC :
Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel
The Capitol Hotel Tokyu
Shibuya Excel Tokyu Hotel
The Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu

Tokyo Marriott Hotel
Tsunamachi Mitsui Club
Tokyo Kaikan Co. ltd.
Shangri-La hotel Tokyo

The Tokyo Women’s Club donated to charities as following:
UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)
WFP (United Nations World Food Programme)
UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency Palestine Refugees in the Near East)
The Japan Times Year-end Charity Drive
Bird Life International Tokyo
SDGs Promise Japan
Special Olympics Nippon
able Society
El Sistema Japan
Suffering Children in Sudan
Seko Home for Children, run by the Salvation Army in Japan
Usunoba, a service center for poor children
Momiji House, run by Kids Farm
(in no particular order)

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